Zuraverse Introduction

Human beings are driven by emotions and reason, and the belief formed on these premises fuels them. Zuraverse is one such belief, to drive a positive change through the Metaverse.

It is a novel PEC (Play-Earn-Conserve) model of gaming where we aim to provide an unparalleled experience in the virtual world while taking measurable actions for conservational activities in the real world.

Our Vision

Leveraging the Metaverse to provide an unparalleled experience in the virtual world while taking measurable actions for conservational activities in the real world.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to build a Sustainable PEC(Play, Earn & Conserve) model of Gaming Metaverse by addressing the following three spheres of sustainability:

  1. PLAY (Social Sustainability) Zuraverse is focused on creating delightful and engaging games that have a great replayability factor and are fun to play with friends online. Building the community of these players into a self-sustainable DAO is the utmost goal of Social Sustainability.

  2. EARN (Financial Sustainability) Using the power of blockchain to EARN digital assets for players, as well as to create $ZURA token Rewards for top leaderboard, thus rewarding only performing players and also decreasing token inflation. Zuraverse also incorporates e-commerce and onboards exclusive brands with a focus on those promoting sustainability.

  3. CONSERVE (Environmental Sustainability) Zuraverse works towards nature conservation with its sister ConZura, which is a Web3 Non-Profit Organization. Not only does Zuraverse spread awareness through immersive games and experiences but also creates revenue streams and community driven conservational activities for ConZura.

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